Molecular Characterization and Subtyping of Breast Cancer Cell Lines Provide Novel Insights into Cancer Relevant Genes
Claudia Pommerenke, Stefan Nagel, Josephine Haake, Anne Leena Koelz, Matthias Christgen, Laura Steenpass and Sonja Eberth
Continuous cell lines are important and commonly used in vitro models in breast cancer (BC) research. Selection of the appropriate model cell line is crucial and requires consideration of their molecular characteristics. To characterize BC cell line models in depth, we profiled a panel of 29 authenticated and publicly available BC cell lines by mRNA-sequencing, mutation analysis, and immunoblotting. Gene expression profiles separated BC cell lines in two major clus-ters that represent basal-like (mainly triple-negative BC) and luminal BC subtypes, respectively. HER2-positive cell lines were located within the luminal cluster. Mutation calling highlighted the frequent aberration of TP53 and BRCA2 in BC cell lines, which, therefore, share relevant characteristics with primary BC. Furthermore, we showed that the data can be used to find novel, potential oncogenic fusion transcripts, e.g., FGFR2::CRYBG1 and RTN4IP1::CRYBG1 in cell line MFM-223, and to elucidate the regulatory circuit of IRX genes and KLF15 as novel candidate tumor suppressor genes in BC. Our data indicated that KLF15 was activated by IRX1 and inhibited by IRX3. Moreover, KLF15 inhibited IRX1 in cell line HCC-1599. Each BC cell line carries unique molecular features. Therefore, the molecular characteristics of BC cell lines described here might serve as a valuable resource to improve the selection of appropriate models for BC research.
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